Why is Métis ethnocentrism even happening?


I’m still having a hard time figuring this out.

It’s expected that Sociologists are interested in the study of the origins and organization of societies. Right. But how is it that some Sociologists are so biaised and unequivocal in repudiating the existence of Métis outside of the Red River area?

I can’t wrap my brain around the fact that Indigenous persons, or that ANYONE would actively lobby to abrogate someone else’s heritage – except maybe 19th Century Colonizers, AMIRITE???

Their reasoning is as appaling as those long dead politicians. The fear is that if too many people claim themselves as Métis, then they would outnumber First Nations and Inuit COMBINED. Woah.

Listen, I’m not gonna justify Settlers who will just pull out or even invent some long lost Indigenous relative – it’s hip, or whatever – Blech. That being said, either those scholars have used faulty ethnogenesis or had a biais. Either way, NOT COOL.


Am I the only one that’s wondering if the fear is diluting the Indigenous collective, or that Indigenous persons could possibly become over represented in future Census reports, forcing the redirection of resources and government programs?

I don’t know. It sounds crazy. But so does the lack of clean water and housing and the outrageous food insecurity in some Indigenous communities.

Either way, that narrative is being advocated in our Universities. Kind of like the rhetorics of ole Macdonald’s days.

Vous avez entendu parler du projet #ReadTheTRCReport? Lisons le CVR: Projet vidéographique de lecture (#LisonsLeRapportCVR)

Chelsea Vowel (@apihtawikosisan) a envoyé une incitation à l’action pour nous tous: lire le rapport de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation (CVR). S’il vous plaît lire son article articulant un besoin pressant pour nous tous de lire le rapport ici (en anglais): http://apihtawikosisan.com/2015/06/reaction-to-the-trc-not-all-opinions-are-equal-or-valid/

Nous tenons compte de ses paroles et nous voulons transformer le rapport en quelque chose que les gens pourront accéder à travers de multiples platformes médiatique. Erica Violet Lee a eue la belle suggestion d’inviter les gens à se filmer, tout en lisant le rapport de vive-voix et de télécharger ces vidéos. Nous invitons les gens de partout au Canada et à l’étranger à nous aider à compiler des clips vidéo de gens liisant les 129 sections distinctes du rapport au même endroit sur YouTube afin que n’importe qui dans le monde pourra entendre les paroles de ce rapport très important et assurer qu’il ne soit pas mis à l’écart, comme tant d’autres, et d’y assurer sa survie.

Donc, si vous croyez comme nous que ce rapport mérite d’être commémoré:

1. Inscrivez-vous pour participer en contactant l’un de nous sur Twitter, , courriel, etc. (Qallunette@gmail.com ou qallunette)

2. Nous allons affecter un segment du rapport à lire..

3. Vous pouvez lire votre segment,  télécharger votre vidéo et nous envoyer le lienpar twitter, facebook, courriel, etc. (S’il vous plaît, indiquer le titre de votre clip: “Lire le rapport CVR (insérer le titre de la Section et les numéros de pages ici)” et l’étiquette avec #LisonsLeRapportCVR. Contactez l’un de nous avec votre lien et nous allons ajouter à la “playlist” YouTube.

4. Utilisez le hashtag #LisonsLeRapportCVR lorsque vous tweet sur votre clip pour aider les gens trouvent qu’il est sur les médias sociaux

5. Nous compilons un projet vidéo séparé où les gens Autochtones liront chacun des appels à l’action. Nous invitons les peuples Autochtones du Canada à nous contacter si vous êtes intéressé à télécharger une vidéo de vous-même en lisant un des 94 recommandations.

6. Nous cherchons activement des gens qui peuvent nous aider à faire ces vidéos encore plus accessible-donc si vous avoir une expertise ou un aperçu de sous-titrage et / ou avoir le temps de faire des versions grand texte du rapport pour les lecteurs malvoyants nous serions très reconnaissants pour votre aide!

7. Pour les personnes dans le Nord ou qui vivent dans des zones sans internet fiable ou une bande passante abordable, s’il vous plaît entrer en contact avec nous. Nous allons trouver activement des façons de télécharger votre clip!

La playlist YouTube en Anglais peut être trouvée ici: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxPr_RIsvg9JJWoiRx2kl2v24r_pu7JbR

Je posterai le lien youtube sous peu, ainsi que le lien de la traduction française du rapport dès que ce dernier sera publié.

La version originale du rapport CVR peut être trouvée ici: http://www.trc.ca/websites/trcinstitution/index.php?p=890 

Traduit de l’idée de Zoe S. Todd, qui avait fait un appel aux personnes parlant le français afin de réaliser #LisonsLeRapportCVR. Migweech, Zoe!

 Vous pouvez trouver la version anglaise au https://zoeandthecity.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/read-the-trc-video-reading-project-readthetrcreport/ 

Atikamekw woman files complaint over doctor’s alleged racist comment


After the surgery, Bosum said the doctor asked how she got to Montreal and who paid for the trip.

Bosum told her that Aboriginal Affairs Canada pays for transportation and items such as medication.

She said she was shocked by the doctor’s response.

“‘I guess that’s why we pay our bloody taxes.’ She said it just like that,” Bosum said.

Atikamekw woman files complaint over doctor’s alleged racist comment


[Image description: A black rectangular banner with pink, white, and green text on the left half and the Metis Women British Columbia logo on the right half. The logo is a four-petaled white and pink flower, with a purple and gray centre and a gray Métis infinity symbol on each petal, and four green leaves. The largest text at the top reads, “Healing & Rebuilding”. In smaller text below that, “A Métis Women’s Forum on Ending violence Against Women”. In even smaller text below that, “A personal Invitation from the Minister”, and then, “June 27th 2015, Ramada Hotel Downtown  444 St. Prince George, BC”]


As your MNBC Provincial Women’s Chair and Minister for Métis Women, I personally invite Métis Women from the North Central, North West and North East regions to participate in an upcoming forum for Métis Women to be held in Prince George on Saturday, June 27th.

This is our opportunity to come together as Métis women to discuss this very important issue facing all women and then to give feedback to government on our concerns and the actions needed in moving forward.

A Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ) on ending violence against aboriginal women and girls was signed between the Government of British Columbia, Metis Nation British Columbia (MNBC ), Assembly of First Nations and the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs last year. Out of that MOU a Joint Partners table was formed and we the Metis have a seat and a voice at that table, and we are part of the process along with the other aboriginal groups in addressing this issue. As your Minister, I would like to see all Métis communities adopt this MOU on ending violence against women and girls because we need to start at the grass roots.

I was very fortunate to be invited by Minister John Rustad – the Provincial Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation to join the National Round Table on Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women and Girls that was held in Ottawa on March 26. Government is very interested in our views, and your input is critical to the process.

Coming together in Prince George will also give us the opportunity to discuss future priorities of Métis Women. Please join me in this very important work.

The forum will begin on Saturday June 27th at 10:00 am and wrap up around 4:30 pm.

A small subsidy is available for travel, and accommodation. Participants eligible for the travel and accommodation subsidy must be at least 100 kms in distance from their home to the hotel.

*Pre-registration is required*


Métis Women from:

– North Central Region (Region 5)
– North West Region (Region 6)
– North East Region (Region 7)

Space is limited so please register no later then June 15th.

Please complete the REGISTRATION FORM and email or fax to MNBC Executive Assistant Tracey Thornhill or 1 800 940 1150/604-557-5851. http://www.mnbc.ca/app/webroot/uploads/Features/News/2015/Metis_Women_Forum_-_Registration.pdf

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Clara Morin Dal Col
Provincial Women’s Chair, Métis Women of British Columbia
Minister for Women, Métis Nation British Columbia

For questions relating to the forum please call me at 778-679-7543.

#Métis Organizations in Canada

I have been writing a few posts now about my thoughts as I delve into issues surrounding Métis Identity. There are so many regional groups who claim to represent us, I decided to jot down a brief overview I made for myself when researching whether it was worth joining any association and which ones were legitimate.

First, I encourage anyone who self-identifies as Métis to do their own research to see which group best represents their interests. FOREMOST, make sure that the organization is *legitimate*. If they do not require extensive genealogical proof, they likely are not. Which, I surmise, will mean that the entire organization and its members would be at risk of not being recognized, nor would they be accepted into larger associations…

This list may not be complete; there are many, many groups popping up and there is no index.

Two associations represent “Federal” interests. That was my starting point, mainly because my understanding is that “Métis are within federal jurisdiction because they come within the definition of “Indians” in s. 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867″ 

The Métis Federation of Canada

The MFC’s vision is to represent all Métis from all regions of Canada (and the US). They are a recent arrival in the landscape and is rapidly growing. They have already signed several Unity Treaties with regional groups, which includes:

Communauté Wik Wam Oté (New Brunswick)

L’Association de Métis-Acadiens Souriquois (Nova Scotia)

Unama’ki Voyageurs Metis  (Nova Scotia)

Communauté Métis Autochtone de Maniwaki (Quebec)

L’ Association Métis Côte-Nord – Communauté de Mingan (Québec)

French River Métis Tribe (Ontario)

Voyageur Métis (Ontario)

The MFC has recently been granted leave to intervene in the Daniels case

You can apply for Membership directly to the MFC by clicking this link.

The MFC is the group I decided to join. That’s my disclaimer, right there. I joined them because their philosophy corresponds to mine.

The Métis National Council

The MNC represents what they consider as

historic Métis Nation Homeland,” which includes the 3 Prairie Provinces and extends into parts of Ontario, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and the northern United States.

They require that member’s ancestry links back to what they consider as a historic Métis Nation community, as mentioned above. 

You must apply for Membership (which they refer as Citizenship) through the MNC Governing Member in the province in which you reside. Each Registry has its own application forms and application process. I have been told that the various application processes may exclude Métis who do not reside in the same province or historical community as where their ancestors originated. 

The MNC Governing Member by province are as follows. You can click on each link representing the provincial association:

Métis Nation of Ontario                  Manitoba Métis Fédération

Métis Nation Saskatchewan **       Métis Nation of Alberta 

Métis Nation British Columbia 

Other noteworthy Associations not currently associated with the two “Federal” ones:

BC Métis Federation – Their Métis Coffee Talk, a weekly webbroadcast every Thursdays, 7:30 pst and available on-demand. Very interesting topics every week!

**Communicating with the association may be difficult, due to current issues not yet resolved.

So good luck in your search for the association that will best represent YOUR beliefs! 

Le Québec: un cas du succès de l’effort d’Assimilation?

En février dernier, Gérard Bouchard – Historien et Sociologue grandement respecté, écrivait un article publié dans “La Presse”, Le faux «sang indien» des Québécois. Dans cet ouvrage, monsieur Bouchard critique le film L’Empreinte et prononce que la théorie du métissage intensif s’accorde mal avec les faits. 

Ah bon.

Son récit rappelle l’introduction du Blood Quantum Law des Colonies Britanniques au début du 18e siècle. La Colonie de Virginie fût la première tentative concrète d’assimilation du people Autochtone basée sur l’apport sanguin. 

Tuer l’Indien, Sauver l’Enfant.

Rarement parle-t’on des Premières Nations, Inuit et Métis au Québec. On est tellement gardés sous silence qu’un mouvement nationaliste Métis des Prairies se propose l’exclusivité ethnique. Ces gens, Sociologues comme Gérard Bouchard, se sont imisciés dans les plus grands centres Universitaires canadiens. Ils prolètisent une version ethnocentrique des Métis. Tout comme Bouchard, leur narrative sert à assimiler toutes personnes de sang mixte venant de l’extérieur du centre sacrosaint de la Rivière Rouge.

Ils ont beaucoup à gagner. Nous risquons tout perdre. Le dernier souffle du Métis québécois? Ils ont travaillé bien fort en introduisant des lois, en utilisant la force et, comme monsieur Bouchard, le mépris. Ces tentatives en ont taits beaucoup, mais certains subsistent. On se sent isolés de nos cousins Autochtones, mais encore plus de nos cousins de l’Ouest: les Dubois, Beaugrand, Champagne, et j’en passe… Les descendants de nos ancêtres communs, plusieurs étant déjà Métis avant d’entreprendre leur long voyage vers le territoire du bison, nous renient, ayant comme peur une dilution de notre nouvellement gagné statut Autochtone…

Devons-nous rester silencieux? Y a-t-il une place pour nous, Métis Québécois, à la grande table?